Napa County Taxpayers Association offers election recommendations | Letters to the Editor – Napa Valley Register

The Napa County Taxpayers Association provides the following recommendations for the November 3, 2020 election:

-- Doris Gentry for Mayor of the city of Napa.

-- Bernie Narvaez for City Council in Area 4.

-- James Hinton for City Council in area 2

Proposition Recommendations:

Vote No on Proposition 14: In 2004, voters approved $3 billon for a publicly funded stem cell agency - CIRM. CIRM has been criticized for insider dealing and inefficiency. Proposition 14 seeks another $5.5 billion, while failing to address issues of accountability. This will cost $2.3 billion in interest payments alone, taking $260 million out of the state budget yearly for 30 years. Stem cell research has been, and is, being funded by the federal government and private enterprise.

Vote No on Proposition 15: Innocuous labeling of purpose as, "for Schools and Communities" does not stress the fact that this proposition is intended to increase the taxes for all businesses and industrial activities. It does this by removing the protections which have been provided by Proposition 13. The higher property taxes, which will result in higher rents, will be passed onto the consumer, becoming a tax on all of us -i.e. "We the People."

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Napa County Taxpayers Association offers election recommendations | Letters to the Editor - Napa Valley Register

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