Leukemia Stem Cell Transplantation | CTCA

Stem cell transplantation for leukemia

A stem cell transplant can be used to restore healthy bone marrow in patients with leukemia. Stem cells help stimulate new bone marrow growth and restore the immune system.

Before a stem cell transplant for leukemia, you will undergo a conditioning regimen, which involves intensive treatment to destroy as many leukemia cells as possible. You may receive high doses of chemotherapy and, in some cases, radiation therapy. You may also receive reduced-intensity conditioning (a mini-allogeneic transplant), which uses lower, less toxic doses of chemotherapy and/or total body irradiation (TBI) before the transplant.

Once this preparative regimen is complete, you are ready to undergo the transplant. Much like a blood transfusion, youll receive the stem cells intravenously. The procedure takes about an hour. After entering the bloodstream, the stem cells travel to the bone marrow and start to make new blood cells in a process known as engraftment.

In the months following the transplant, your care team will monitor your blood counts. You may need transfusions of red blood cells and platelets. Sometimes, the intensive treatments you receive before the stem cell transplantation for leukemia can cause side effects, like infection. In this case, your doctor may administer IV antibiotics.

If you had an allogeneic stem cell transplant, your doctor may prescribe certain drugs to reduce the risk of graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD), a condition where the donated cells attack the patient's tissues.

Recovery from a leukemia stem cell transplant can take several months. Dr. Redei and his team will work together with the rest of your care team to support you throughout the entire process.

For example, your dietitian will recommend a healthy diet to nutritionally fortify your body, and your naturopathic clinician will recommend natural therapies to help reduce side effects, such as neuropathy. Your rehabilitation therapist will recommend safe levels of physical activity to help you stay active and independent.

Additionally, your pain management practitioner will use various techniques to help alleviate discomfort and control bone and neuropathic pain, while your mind-body therapist will provide counseling and relaxation techniques.

A stem cell transplant (also called hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation) infuses healthy blood-forming stem cells into the body. Stem cells can be collected from the bone marrow, circulating (peripheral) blood, and umbilical cord blood.

There are two main types of stem cell transplants:

An advantage of an allogeneic transplant is that the stem cells come from a healthy donor with no malignant cells. However, since it can be difficult to find a matching donor, an autologous transplant is usually more common.

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Leukemia Stem Cell Transplantation | CTCA

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