Cancer Stem Cell Therapies: Mapping the Future Growth Potential – Communal News

The objective of the ongoing R&D in this domain is to develop novel CSC directed treatments that can combat complications, such as off-target toxicities and disease relapse, associated with the current standard of care treatments.TheCancer Stem Cell Therapies Market, 2017-2030report examines the current landscape and the future outlook of the growing pipeline of products targeting CSCs.Some of the most interesting insights from our study are presented below.

CSCs have Garnered a Lot of Interest Across Different PlatformsIncreasing chatter on social media, and the fact that over 9,000 scientific articles have been published in the last few years, indicate the growing interest in this domain

A Robust Pipeline Offers Significant Future PotentialWith two commercialized drugs and close to 150 clinical/preclinical molecules, the field has evolved significantly over time and has several promising candidate therapies

A Healthy Mix of Small Molecules and Biologics, The growing pipeline features both small molecule and biologic product candidates, which are being developed to target a number of cancer stem cell regulatory pathways

Being Designed for Novel Targets, Reinforces the Underlying PromiseSpecifically, over 70 clinical-stage molecules are being investigated to tap opportunities across different types of cancer

The US and the EU are Key Innovation HubsBoth big and small pharma players are actively involved; the US and EU are currently leading the research efforts

The Market is Expected to Witness Rapid Growth in the Mid-Long TermAfter the approval and launch of multiple late-phase product candidates, the market is expected to grow at a rapid pace

The Opportunity is Likely to be Well Distributed Across Indications and TargetsThe emergence of effective therapeutic strategies will result in better opportunities in the long term as more drugs get approved for a diverse range of indications

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Cancer Stem Cell Therapies: Mapping the Future Growth Potential - Communal News

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